Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Ha! A blow for freedom in my own back yard!
Though not necessarily for the noblest of reasons (as pointed out halfway into the article - not enough revenue was generated), our local council has voted to do away with a couple of sets of red light cameras. I'm glad that the council is showing, though, that local government can be responsive to the people it serves, as there were a lot of gripes about this thing.
Wow - $500 tickets? Glad I never got pinched...

1 comment:

Brett said...

Glad to heart it got shot down. A Chattanooga community has these - populace hates them, but the local government clings to them and there are people at the state level visiting the area, touting it as a 'model' for implementing these throughout the state. We'll see. Amanda got one of these in the Suzuki, but guess whose name was on the car registration and the ticket. At least it was only $20...