Sunday, January 06, 2008


..Is where my kids and I find ourselves this week, staying with my sister and her family, and we'll be visiting with my parents in Georgia today. Unfortunately circumstances did not permit my wife to be here too.
I hadn't flown in a few years, and this was also my first time with Southwest Airlines too... since it's first come, first serve with the seating and I'm a chronically late individual, that meant I wasn't able to sit next to my kids on the first flight.
TSA was as pleasant, courteous and professional as I had heard about, which was not very...
Glad to be here though - it's good to see my family after so long (gotta be at least a couple of years).
This is their house in Harrison, TN, about 15 minutes outside of Chattanooga. A beautiful place, with about an acre of woodland for a backyard, way cheaper than it's equivalent in CA, and located in a Free State to boot.
More to come as time permits...


none said...

Have a nice visit. Free states are pretty nice to live in. People work in CA and retire here in the south :)

GUYK said...

hammer is right..even Oklahoma and Arkansas are filling up with people moving in from the left coast..cost of living is cheap enough live and a damn sight more freedom..a person can even get a carry permit! said...

Another 30 minutes north and you would be at Mushy's!

Looks like a good trip.

NotClauswitz said...

I think my wife has a few remaining not-yet-dead relatives somewhere west of Nashville...? CA's nice and all but you can get an AR there.

phlegmfatale said...

Wow - what a lovely house! Tennessee is so incredibly beautiful. I love the Chatanooga area. Enjoy yourself!

FHB said...

Yep, beautiful country. Hope you have a great time.