Thursday, July 12, 2007


Lately, I've been taking to shave my own head... saves time and money, and it's pretty easy with a set of electric clippers. Last night, right before bed, I did it again for the umpteenth time. However, I neglected to ask my wife if I had missed any spots...
So... I woke up bright and early this morning, determined to get into the salt mine early. I rolled in around 6:45, feeling quite proud of myself, only to be gleefully informed by a couple of my coworkers that I had indeed missed a spot. A quarter sized spot. Gah.
So, here I am at home having just finished removing said offending spot and writing a post to whine about it. This extra trip home has completely erased any gain I may have made by getting in to work early.
One step forward, two steps back...


Anonymous said...


FHB said...

That's an oops moment, fer sure. Nice of the wife to let you out of the house like that.

phlegmfatale said...

I would have kept it all day and called it my "soul patch." Or you might have stalwartly refused to believe anyone who told you you missed a spot.
Or you might have told them that you were testing them...

NotClauswitz said...

Just wait till it's nose and ear-hair...

GUYK said...

Bawahahaha I shave my head or at least a part of it just to try to cut off the few stray hairs in the big bald spot. Never have a problem missing them though..ain't but three or four there.. said...

I do the same thing, standing on the deck holding a shaving mirror, but I do ask for a second opinion!