Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Two days so far...

... and I'm climbing up the walls. I quit dipping on Sunday night and I'm a bit twitchy if you know what I mean. Haven't been posting much because I knew it would just come down to this - whining about my nicotine withdrawals. Yesterday was the worse so far - they say it'll peak at 3 days, then start getting better.
I quit smoking right after my daughter was born and stayed quit for three plus years, then found myself partaking of the Copenhagen. Been doing that for about 3 years and I reckon it's time to kick that one to the kerb.
So that's what I'm doing right now... these withdrawals feel worse than when I quit smoking, probably because my nicotine consumption is so much higher with the dip. My wife's been very encouraging (are you kidding? No more spit cups around the house? Of COURSE she's been encouraging!) and is putting up marvelously with my erratic behavior thus far.
To be honest, I wish I could just crawl into bed for two weeks and emerge craving-free but that's not going to happen. The bills must get paid, after all...
Wish me luck... I'll be honest about it if I fall off the wagon...


Todd said...

I wish you good luck! It's damn hard to quit, for sure!

Todd said...

Had to run before I finished. Like I said, good luck. I've been dipping for 27 years (damn, can't believe it has been that long). Make sure you take advantage of every resource (patches, etc) that you can. And good luck to your wife, too! :)

Anonymous said...

Good job Kevin!! We'll keep you hiking, and soon you won't even think about it anymore. Great job hiking today!

phlegmfatale said...

and speaking of spit cups... growing up in the South with a family full of dippers (some of the men dipped, too!) everyone in the family has partaken of a swallow of tobacco juice that dad left in a convenient can at one time or another. Save your children from knowing that singular joy!

Good luck with quitting. You can do it. I know it's not the same, but I quit coffee cold turkey. I felt like I was wading knee-deep through treacle for about 6 months - couldn't feel energetic without it-- but it was so worth it to quit - I was so addicted and just useless without it. Now I'm amazed, appoaching 5 years off the sauce.

GOOD LUCK! You can do it.

Kevin said...

Well, thanks all! Todd, my wife is prepared for my crappy moods - it's worth it to her to see me done with the baccy. Julie, can't wait until I'm no longer thinking about it...
Phlegmy, already been there unfortunately... the kids cannot just pick up a soda can and swig (which is probably a good thing anyway)...

GUYK said...

Good luck on kicking the habit..I kicked cigarettes with the help of Skoal and have been on it for over fifteen years..nasty habit I know but beats lest I can breath..