And yes, this is what passes for nature around here... the kids had fun; anywhere you can throw a rock they're happy...
Sporadic blogging about whatever interests or irritates me, whenever time and inclination intersect.
"Liberty never came from government. The history of liberty is a history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of limitations of governmental power, not the increase of it."
-Woodrow Wilson
My Dad said he should have stopped to say hi, but when he thought about it he was too far ahead and just kept going. He's a nut about the bike rides! Anyhow, I can't wait to get back and go hiking!
He was flying. He said hi, I didn't recognize him at first with the headgear until he called me by name...
That giant "M" is like from the old days and early air-mail flying, right?
Wonder what the environmental types think aboiut you human outsiders crashing the wilderness there?
Perhaps we should ellaborate for the outsiders that don't call "brown valley" home. The trail is not a trail at all, but instead a utility road used daily by work trucks to maintain the towers at the top of the hill (although you can't personally take your car up it). As for the wilderness, this is the best it gets for "brown valley." Without taking a significant drive into the mountains, the M is what we have for outdoor recreation/hiking. Sad, but I guess we make do. Way back when, Kevin used to go every morning...
Oh, there's plenty of rules - a whole board full of them. They added two new ones this year: "No hunting" and "No firearms". Those two are PROMINENTLY posted... so if you run across a mountain lion, just throw rocks at it...
It's the whole return to primitivism thing, but when sticks are outlawed only outlaws will have atlatls.
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