Friday, April 20, 2007


OK, my kids' school sent round a request for help to clean up their garden (so the kiddies can grow beans and such) this Saturday, and since I haven't done much in the way of volunteering thus far, I signed up. So I'll be pulling weeds and moving rocks tomorrow, but its all in a good cause...
It's looking like the range trip will have to be postponed, because Sunday's booked too. I'll be heading down to San Diego to check out the 9th Legion in the morning, and one of my wife's employees is having an engagement party later in the day.
Busy weekend all in all, but fun nonetheless...


FHB said...

You long to be one of Marius' mules? Looks cool as hell.

Kevin said...

Well, I'm thinking about it... went on Sunday and they let me fall in & drill with them. They make almost all their own gear too so it won't break the bank.